Open Rivers Pictures is located in Fayetteville, Georgia has several workshop courses coming up in December.
Open Rivers Pictures is ran by Alvin and Tammy Williams who have been working in the industry for more than twenty years. They have done everything from pre-production to post for productions, commercials, and promos.
Next weekend kicks off their workshops starting with ‘Web Series Maker Workshop.’ In this two-day workshop people will learn the skills necessary in becoming a web series maker. The world has gone digital allowing for independent filmmakers to produce their own work.
Next week there will also be a one-day course for office production assistants. The Office PA Workshop’ will provide a hands on experience discussing how office PA’s can be in charge of various tasks including filing, copying, stocking the refrigerator and whatever else may come through the doors. The Office PA’s are certainly not to be overlooked. This course will provide training for the many things that can and will happen at the office.
After the other two courses above, there will be a two-day on set production assistant workshop the following week. The ‘PA Workshop’ course will provide all the knowledge one needs to know about what a Set PA’s responsibilities may encompass. Set PA’s must be ready to be on there feet because there is always something to be done.
December 5th & 6th
Saturday- 9am to 7pm
Sunday-9am to 7pm
December 5th
Saturday- 9am to 5pm
‘Set Production Assistant Workshop’
December 12th & 13th
Saturday- 9am to 4pm
Sunday- 1pm to 7pm
Open Rivers Pictures, 461 Sandy Creek Road, Fayetteville, GA 30214 located in the, Pinewood Studios Production Centre.
Contact Information
Phone: 770-716-6736
Email: [email protected]
Also check out georgia,org for classes and workshops in the future.