The Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA), a division of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, recently announced the recipients of its Partner, Project and Arts Education grants as part of its initial disbursement of grants for fiscal year 2021. Across the state, 148 organizations were collectively awarded more than $1 million in funding for operating support (Partner Grant), arts projects (Project Grant), or an Arts Education Program Grant. Additional grants in the Vibrant Communities and Cultural Facilities program areas will be awarded in the fall of 2020.
Funds awarded by Georgia Council for the Arts include appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts. Grant recipients include theaters, dance companies, museums, cities, colleges and multi-discipline arts entities. A complete list of fiscal year 2021 grantees in these program areas can be found here.
“This initial round of funding awarded by Georgia Council for the Arts serves to support the critical work arts organizations and artists are doing in communities to foster connectivity, rekindle joy
and support lifelong learning during these dynamic times,” said GCA Executive Director Karen Paty. “Knowing the challenges faced by our colleagues across the state due to the impact of COVID-19, it was a particularly hard to not be able to fund all deserving applicants. The applications we reviewed provided evidence of continued exceptional arts programs in support of education, community development and economic development offered by arts organizations throughout the state. The staff and Board of GCA celebrate that work in all 159 counties, whether or not we are financially able to support it through these grant programs.”
Georgia Council for the Arts uses Peer Review Panels to judge and review applications following standard practices set by the National Endowment for the Arts. Panelists are GCA Council members and fellow professionals who are experienced in the arts discipline or type of grant being reviewed, or are citizens with a record of arts activities, experience and knowledge.