As the Irving Berlin anthem proclaims, “There’s no business like Show Business.” From an outsider’s point of view, the business is all glamour and glitz, beautiful women in sparkling gowns and handsome men in tuxedoes on the red carpet at awards shows. To the public, show business is what they see on the big screen or on their televisions—a romantic getaway from an everyday job.
To those who help create the spectacle, “The Biz” is an entirely different undertaking. To begin with, it’s a very competitive industry where every position has a ton of qualified applicants not to mention an untold number of wannabes. The hours are long and the work is hard. A number of other obstacles –ranging from the weather to a balky script to a temperamental diva –can get in the way of a project coming to a successful and hassle-free conclusion.
Now that Georgia is ranked among the top production centers in the country, there’s been a pilgrimage of both extremely skilled crew people and raw recruits to the Peach State, all eager to enjoy the fruits of this constantly expanding situation. We’ve asked a number of folks involved in “The Biz” a series of questions to get their impression of the reality of show business. From the high (and low) lights of their careers to breaking into The Biz to their quibbles about life on a set to their favorite treats at the craft service truck, we’ve assembled an inside look at the daily life in an occupation that others can only dream about.
One more glimpse at the fantasy before our plunge into real life: There’s an old cartoon showing circus elephants on parade followed by a man in a uniform pushing a wheelbarrow and holding a broom and shovel. The man turns to face the audience and proclaims: “Hey, at least I’m in show business.”