Central Casting (Georgia, USA)
Rate: $150/12
Location: MADISON, GA (approx. 60 miles from downtown Atlanta)
Work Date: TUESDAY 9/3/19. Call Time 07:00AM
MALE UTILITY STANDIN: Male, able to portray African American, able to play age range 18-55, height range 5’9″-5’11”, medium to average build. This is a period show so – NO visible tattoos! Hair must be natural colored only and in conservative, non-modern styles. SHORT neatly trimmed hair. NO piercings. Able to fit into the following costume sizes – MEN: Coat/jacket sizes 38-42R only. Stand-in experience preferred!
If you fit these specifications and are available – please submit ASAP to: [email protected]
Submissions should include your first & last name, contact number, height, weight, clothing sizes and a recent clear photo. Also, please mention if you have Standin experience
Please use MALE STANDIN for as your Subject Line