SCAD aTVfest 2019 returns next month to SCADshow in Atlanta

The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) will host the seventh annual aTVfest next month to celebrate the television industry. Television content of all types and mediums are given focus in this event, and professionals from around the globe gather to discuss trends and share premiere work. The festival hosts attendees including top directors, writers, actors. “The festival brings together professionals from all aspects of content production, including broadcast, cable, Web, social media, and advertising to discuss the current industry trends and showcase the best work in the field.” Past honorees include stars like Alan Cumming, Christina Ricci, and Zach Braff, and shows such as The Walking Dead, and How to Get Away With Murder.
This year for the first time the event has teamed up with Entertainment Weekly (EW) as its media partner. Their contribution to the event will include hosting a studio where talent in attendance can create content for EW’s platforms. They will also be included in moderating talent panels Paula Wallace, SCAD President and Founder, commented on the partnership being beneficial for both entities saying, “SCAD is proud to partner once again with industry leader Entertainment Weekly to share the best of television and highlight its future at SCAD aTVfest. SCAD degree programs prepare the brightest and best, and SCAD alumni are working as directors, writers, actors, motion media artists, and in every other aspect of television.”
The schedule for the event will be released on January 23rd, and tickets come on sale February 1st.
The event takes place at SCADshow in Midtown Atlanta, Georgia on February 7-9, 2019.
For tickets and information please visit: http://www.atvfest.com/