Atlanta Submits Official Bid for Sundance
By Oz Online | Published on June 25, 2024

The city of Atlanta is showing off its red carpet-worthy movie theaters, extensive hotel accommodations, and at least $2 million in financial incentives in the hopes of attracting the Sundance Film Festival.

The announcement that the film festival will leave its long-standing home in Park City has ignited intense competition among cities eager to host the prestigious Hollywood event. 

Atlanta has extended their efforts to creating their own website explaining why Atlanta is the best choice for Sundance.  

To assemble the proposal, the city collaborated with the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, gaining support from numerous influential figures, including Governor Brian Kemp, Christopher Escobar, and Senator Raphael Warnock. 

The competition is thick as 15 other cities, like Athens and Savannah, also submitted a bid before the June 21 deadline. 

Sundance’s decision for their new host is expected later in 2024 or early 2025.  


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