How to Join: IATSE Local 479 welcomes all new applicants and transfers from other IA locals. New applicants are not required to have prior experience in the motion picture industry and must fill out an application and pay a non-refundable application fee, a membership fee (rates are listed on our website), and provide references. The full list of requirements are provided on our website – www.iatse479.org/become-a-member
Mission Statement: IATSE Local 479 is dedicated to the principles of trade unionism and the representation of every worker employed in our crafts, based on the IATSE’s long history of pursuing fair wages and working conditions for its members. As an organization that is run by its membership, we are responsive to the needs of our industry and our region, and are committed to building a robust, sustainable, and safe environment in the State of Georgia for the production of motion pictures for years to come. We will forever be committed to the protection of the negotiated rights of our members and the advancement of the best working conditions possible, and as citizens of the State of Georgia we will actively work with state and local legislators to lead our industry in innovative solutions for growing our business and providing for our members.
What districts do you cover (if more then just Georgia)? IATSE Local 479 covers the entire State of Georgia, with the exception of the city of Savannah.
Who do you represent? IATSE Local 479 currently represents: Construction Paint & Scenic, Props, Set Dressing, Greens, Wardrobe, Grips, Electric, Special Effects, Sound, Video Assist, Craft Service, First Aid, Script Supervisor, Hair & Makeup, Production Office, Art Department Coordinator, Projection.
How does someone apply to become a member? Applicants may approach a union steward on set or may come to our office to pick up an application package. No experience is required to join Local 479.
What all do you need to become a member? Applicants must submit a completed application with 4 references, 2 of which must be members of Local 479 in good standing. Applicants must submit an application fee and a membership fee, based on or any reason an applicant is denied membership their membership fee will be reimbursed, however the application fee is non-refundable. In addition to the application fees all applicants must be residents of the State of Georgia and be able to provide proof of their residency in this state (a list of admissible forms of identification are provided on our website).
What are the benefits of being a member? IATSE Local 479 provides its members with access to group healthcare and retirement plans, as well as a rapidly growing education department, which held more than 70 industry-specific classes in 2014. We are actively engaged with production companies around the State of Georgia, intent on making certain that our members enjoy the very best environment.
Business Agent: Mike Akins Contact info: (404) 361-5676

IATSE Local 491, is the Savannah Area branch of Studio Mechanics (FILM TECHNICIANS) of the The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada.
How to Join: IATSE Local 491 welcomes all new applicants and transfers from other IA locals. Anyone interested in information regarding member, living in the Savannah, GA Area may find out more about joining Local 491, by calling Jason or Kelly at 912-509-7022.
Mission Statement: IATSE Local 491 is dedicated to the principles of trade unionism, the representation of every worker, building a safe and robust industry in the Savannah area, across the jurisdiction, and throughout the country.
What districts do you cover (if more then just Georgia)? IATSE Local 491 covers the Savannah, GA Area as well as the Carolinas.
Who do you represent? IATSE Local 491 currently represents: Construction, Paint & Scenic, Plaster, Props, Armorers, Set Dressing, Buyers, Graphic Artists, Greens, Wardrobe, Grip, Electric, Generator Operators, Marine Coordinators and Boat Handlers, Special Effects, Sound, Video Assist, Playback, Craft Service, First Aid, Set Design, Art, Art Department Coordinator, Studio Teachers, Projection, Locations (in some markets) as well as any other positions traditionally represented by the IATSE not represented by another IATSE Local.
How does someone apply to become a member? Applicants may set an appointment with our Business Agent, Jason Rosin, in our Savannah Office, after speaking with Kelly and meeting the application requirements.
What all do you need to become a member? Applicants must submit a completed application with a reference, a sponsor, a resume and a Drivers License, as well as pay an application fee and a membership fee.
What are the benefits of being a member? IATSE Local 491 provides its members with access the best group healthcare and retirement benefits available. Industry craft and safety training programs. Networking opportunities as well as the simple fact that membership in the IATSE is the most important recognized step in one’s professional development.
Business Agent: Jason Rosin
Savannah Office Phone: (912) 509-7022
Business Office Phone: (910) 343-9408

Mission Statement: To provide safe and professional workers to the film and television industry.
Jurisdiction: The State of Georgia
Representing: The transportation and locations department on a production.
How does someone apply to become a member? One would fill out an application at the Local to be on the drivers list. You must have: a valid Georgia CDL and be a Georgia resident of at least one year and pay a fee.This does not guarantee you any work but if you are called to work then you are eligible to join the Teamsters because you will be represented by a contract.
What are the benefits of being a member? Working under a union contract will give you the obvious benefits like health insurance and a retirement plan but it provides much more. You have a voice and representation within your work place. You have someone who is fighting to maintain the standards that are within the industry like safety and better working conditions. Unions have a bad reputation for wanting only higher wages but it is so much more.
Business Agent: Tony Lefebvre