re:imagine/ATL and local teens create music videos at Green Room Camp
By Oz Online | Published on August 25, 2016

The non-profit organization re:imagine/ATL tasked adolescents to create several music videos for multiple bands, each of which will be released every Thursday for the next seven weeks, beginning with “Expectation” by Hero the Band.

The organization ran a week long “Green Room Camp” that invited campers to come learn about filmmaking, production, and editing. At The Green Room music video camp, young people are divided into small “crews,” and matched with a band to create a video with one of their songs. Crews create their own schedule, works with cameras, lights, and editing, and have access to artistic resources to create props, costumes, sets, and effects. Each crew produces their video under the guidance of a staff of professional visual artists, filmmakers, creative tech experts and musicians. In this environment, campers are empowered to produce their own imaginative music video from ideation, storyboarding, through filming to post production while working with a hard deadline.

This week’s release was a music video for the song “Expectation” by Hero the Band. Hero the Band is a local four-brothers band with rock influences, and they are very excited about the results of their video. “The videos were awesome,” they expressed to re:imagine. “Thank you for the opportunity and keep doing great things for the dreamers and believers!” Hero the Band will perform at this year’s Dragon Con.

To support the future filmmakers of Atlanta, watch their YouTube release each week.

For more information visit


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