World-renowned author Paul Jenkins has partnered with META Studios to launch the third book of his beloved series “Fairy Quest.” The third book is called “Fairy Quest 3: Over, Under and Through” and features returning artist Humberto Ramos and new penciller Mike Bowden. The series offers a fun twist on traditional children’s stories like those of the Brothers Grimm.
Jenkins has been creating and writing for the past 25 years, working on everything from “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” to “The Incredible Hulk.” Most notably, he created “Origin of Wolverine” and has worked as a writer or creative director on a number of video games. In the Georgia community, he has served on the advisory board of Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), as an instructor at Kennesaw State University, and chaired Gov. Nathan Deal’s Advisory Committee educating the Georgia General Assembly on the evolution of digital technologies.
Jenkins also founded META Studios, Georgia’s only cross-media development and production house that specializes in film, TV, animation, digital games, and graphic novels. The Kickstarter campaign, along with creating the third book, will serve to reprint books one and two.
The Kickstarter campaign will be live from July 9 to August 8. You can contribute by clicking HERE.