The series is directed by four time Emmy-award winner and 30 year film veteran Larry Robertson. Edward Reid is the Creator, Writer and Producer, and Kevin Cole is the Co-Producer and business partner.
The plot follows the story of a low-life wannabe mobster screenwriter. The man ends up in Moscow, Idaho after a hazy night of drugs, parties and a botched execution plan. Now he must lay low as he works at a rehab center helping others overcome their addictions while also facing the demons of his past.
There is an episodic trailer featured on the Indiegogo site and a teaser online at:
Follow the series on Facebook. 22,000+ people have Liked it already!
The series also has 21,000 Twitter followers and counting.
The production team is asking for donations in return for some amazing perks! {$50 will get you entered into a raffle for $1,000–we need 400 contributions for this to work}. Also, the $500 perk is an amazing opportunity for musicians! {Donators’ music will be featured on the film}. Plus much more!
The funds will go to the pilot, which we will then film and shop around to networks. This show has amazing potential — did we mention: An Emmy Award winning director is on board!
We know this show will be a HUGE success. Additionally, it could offer some Atlanta companies good exposure, as it will be filmed here.
Here you can see the project on IMDB