Georgia Production Partnership to share your appreciation with legislators
The GPP is inviting all film industry members to contribute to their event on Tuesday, March 19th in person or through submitting photos. The goal is to showcase not only appreciation, but show the real life impact of the tax incentive laws on the actual members of the film industry and their families. Go remind the legislators why their vote to help the film industry helps you be successful.
“We would love to have you come to the Capitol to share your stories with passing legislators, but because we know a lot of people will be working, we’d also like to continue to add to our photo montage of people impacted by the industry, either directly or indirectly. We welcome people holding signs saying anything positive you’d like legislators and Governor Kemp to see (thank you, supporting my family with the film industry, I get to work in Georgia doing what I love, I bought my house with film money, etc) – group shots and individual. It’s one thing to say it, but another to show the faces of the people whose lives have changed for the better as a result of our tax incentive. These photos will be part of a slideshow that will be looping during Film Day.”
Participants are asked to send their photos to [email protected]