GPP Announces New Leadership
By Christopher Winley | Published on April 16, 2024

The Georgia Production Partnership (GPP) shared a recent update to their leadership. Following an extensive selection process, the organization is thrilled to present its recently appointed board members. This diverse group of new leaders will bring a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to the film and television industry. 

“We are proud to unveil our new board members who will bring fresh perspectives and expertise to GPP,” said one of the new Co-Presidents, Shellie Schmals. “We are determined to continue advancing the growth and prosperity of Georgia’s film and television industry.” 

Shellie’s fellow Co-President, Darius Evans, is “honored to work alongside Shellie and the rest of our esteemed board members to strengthen GPP’s position within the industry. Together, we will foster an environment that supports and champions Georgia’s film and television community.”

Other additions to the board include Alexis Bushell as Vice President, Kristy Clabaugh as Treasurer, and Kimberly Raybon as Secretary. 

GPP also is pleased to introduce the following individuals in key leadership roles: Bronwyn Stalcup, who will serve as the Chair of the Membership Committee; Aneesah Bray, appointed as the Chair of Industry and Community Relations; and Nicole Sage, taking on the role of Chair for the Marketing and Communications Committee. 

Additionally, GPP has designated Mystie Buice as Chair of the Education Committee, Bari Holmes as Chair of the Events Committee, Alicia Lublin as Chair of the Volunteers Committee, Melissa Goodman as Chair of Internal Governance, and Craig Miller as Chair of Government Relations. Rounding out the roster is LaRonda Sutton and Jeremiah Bennett as Immediate Past-Presidents. 

Moving forward, the GPP is in safe hands through the leadership of these outstanding board members. Their combined expertise and passion for film will enable GPP to actively promote and bolster the expansion of Georgia’s bustling film industry. 


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