The seventh installment of the Fast and Furious franchise comes out in theatres on April 3rd. Filming began in September of 2013 in Atlanta but was halted when one of the film’s main stars, Paul Walker, died in a single-car accident over Thanksgiving break – The film was only half-completed. It was announced the next day that filming would be stalled for a little to rework the film. In February 2014, it was announced that filming would continue in Atlanta starting in April and would continue for eight more weeks. Filming officially ended July 10, 2014.
Furious 7, which was previously Fast and Furious 7, is the sequel to Fast and Furious 6 and is the seventh movie in the film series. The film was written by Chris Morgan and was directed by James Wan. On February 1, 2015, a trailer featuring new footage was released during the Super Bowl.
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