Have you ever thought that your house would be perfect for a movie?

If you would like your Georgia home, business, or property to be listed as a film location in Georgia, you can submit it now through Georgia.org. For your location to be considered, send digital photos by using the location submission form. There is no cost for submitting a location to the database. Your photos will be reviewed and, if approved, your property will be added to the location photo database. All locations are placed in a secure, password-protected database and sent to clients upon request. Location photos are not accessible to the general public, so the privacy of your location is safe and secure.
Submit large, monitor quality photos, and shoot wide where possible.
Locations submitted with just one photo will not be accepted.
Send as many photos per location as possible.
Send interior and exterior shots.
Submit all of the photos at one time as no edits or changes will be allowed once the photos are submitted.
Avoid inclement weather.
Display the location as it is on a normal basis.
Submit photos in their final condition.
Do not submit the property if it is scheduled to be sold or drastically remodeled in the near future.
No head shots.
Do not submit video clips, renderings, or brochures.
To submit photos you must have the authority to approve filming on the location, or be the actual owner of the property.
Once it is accepted, your location is a potential set for a movie or television show.
When it comes to charging a film crew to use your location, there are a number of factors to consider. These variables include the budget of the project, how long they will need to use your property, how many people will be on your property, will any of the furniture in your home be displayed in the film, will there be any additions or extractions made to your property, and will they be using your electricity while they are there. Once you have figured out all of this information, and they set a price, you can begin negotiating. If you are approached by a student working on a project with limited resources, you are encouraged to help the new generation of filmmakers in Georgia.
Most of the film/TV projects that ask to use your location will have substantial liability insurance policies. This will be addressed in your location agreement, which the production company must sign. This will guarantee that any damage caused to your property will be paid for by the occupying film crew.
There is no way to know how long it will take for a production company to contact you about your property. The need for locations in the industry changes constantly, and your location will be sent, on request, to film/TV projects that are searching. Get your site submitted as soon as possible, just in case a film producer is looking for a location just like yours.
For more information visit:
Location Agreement form sample: