Film Impact Georgia (FIG) has shared a production plan for independent filmmakers getting back to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We encourage every indie film to take COVID-19 safety seriously,” FIG said on its Twitter account. “We have a COVID-19 Independent Film Production Plan created by New South Independent & @3rdshiftmediainc in conjunction with a team of industry & safety experts.”
The framework for the safety plan was created by filmmakers who spent hours researching best practices for safety and speaking with public health experts. However, the instructions stress that these practices are not an end all be all for those in the Georgia film industry.
“Just as we will do, anybody using this framework needs to consult the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) if shooting in the United States,” read the instructions.
Along with many other rules and regulations, the plan suggest that cast and crew should be hired for a minimum of 16 days before shooting, cast and crew should self quarantine during shooting and not go out for non-essential purposes, and read and sign the prevention protocols as a part of their deal. The plan also suggests using a “pod” system, meaning that each cast and crew member will be assigned to a unit that will all follow the same health and safety procedures throughout filming.
To read the plan in its entirety, click HERE.