Farewell to MCA-I
By Oz Online | Published on November 7, 2016

After 50 years as ITVA/MCA-I, the national organization has officially closed.

Bill Lee, John San Miguel, Jeff Winter, Dr. Althea Sumpter

While many other local MCA-I chapters will continue on as independent organizations, including the Georgia Southern University Student Chapter (Film Club GSU), the Atlanta chapter of MCA-I held its final meeting at Manuel’s Tavern on October 26, after an established 44 years. Members shared memories and said their farewells over food and drinks.

Bill Lee

“Since its inception as the old ITVA it brought tens of thousands of people together for professional education and inspiration to be the best in a highly competitive and ever-changing industry,” says MCA-I in its official statement. “The MCA-I is gone but fondly remembered.”

Jerry Immel and Tanya Ostrovsky

Atlanta Producer and Cinematographer Bill Lee of MCA-I has made himself available to all former MCA-I members. Additionally, MCA- I member Brad Gilbert is launching Atlanta-Area Media Professionals (AMP) to take up the mantle in Atlanta, to be kicked off by the end of the year.

Farewell from MCA-I Atlanta


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