Conyers & Austell, Georgia
Fit Tomorrow- Fri 8/16
Work SIX DAYS: Mon 8/19-Thur 8/22, Tue 8/27 + Thur 8/29
Location: Conyers & Austell, GA
Rate: $88/10
>> Please read this post very carefully before submitting <<
Alyssa is now casting for a very important scene that requires talent to be available for a fitting tomorrow (Fri 8/16) in Conyers, and then have a completely open schedule from Mon 8/19 – Fri 8/30 for work both in Conyers AND Austell, GA. Filming is tentatively scheduled for these 6 days: Monday 8/19, Tuesday 8/20, Wednesday 8/21, Thursday 8/22, Tuesday 8/27 & Friday 8/29. But you should be completely open and available for the next 2 weeks in case of schedule changes.
PLANE CRASH VICTIMS: Looking for men and women 18+ all ethnicities who are comfortable portraying crash victims. Must be comfortable with fake blood & dirt. Must have a VERY open & flexible schedule with absolutely no schedule conflicts or chance of cancellation!!
We may be able to consider you if you can’t make a fitting tomorrow, but you MUST be available for ALL WORK DATES!
If you are a NEW FACE and have a FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE, send your name, number, sizes and current photo to:
Email: [email protected]
Subject Line: “PLANE CRASH”