48 Hour Film Project Sets New Records
By Oz Online | Published on September 7, 2016

The Atlanta 48 Hour Film Project returned for its 15th year of creative filmmaking in July, setting a new record with 94 teams registered, over 1,200 participants, and more than 2,400 screening and award show attendees.

Team leaders gathered to write, shoot and edit a four to seven minute film in just 48 hours. All films submitted premiered for the public at Landmark Theatres Midtown Art Cinema, where they were eligible for audience recognition.

Those submitted on time were judged for various awards by a filmmaker panel that included podcaster Floyd Hall, Aperturent’s Julie Hunter, and Sundance Ignite Awardwinning filmmaker Kevin Brooks.

The Catalyst by Be The Change earned the Best Film of Atlanta honor, and will be sent to the international 48 Hour Film Project competition, Filmapalooza, to be screened and judged next March with 140 city winners from

around the globe. From there, ten films will be chosen for the Short Film Corner at the Cannes International Film Festival.


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